The Course has been designed to meet a number of interrelated educational and vocational aims which can be described as following

  1. To provide an educational foundation for a range of administrative and management careers in the hospitality industry.
  2. To develop in the student the ability to think logically, communicate clearly, and read critically.
  3. To create an awareness of the rapidly changing external business environment and its effect on the hospitality industry.
  4. To equip the student with a thorough understanding of the administrative and production skills required in the hospitality industry.
  5. To provide the students with an intellectual challenge inthe hospitality sector.
  6. To acquire skills for future management roles of various types of hospitality units, and being aware and conscious of the social responsibilities that an organisation owes to employees and clients.
  7. To provide skills to manage in a computerised environment and a rapidly changing IT environment and its effect in the hospitality industry.
  8. To develop in the students, skills and personal qualities of general importance and applicability in all aspects of working life.